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Setting up your coupons

Coupons can be used to discount invoices, subscriptions, or entire customer accounts.

  • Name - Name of the coupon, appearing on customers' receipts and invoices.
  • Code - Unique code for the coupon. Once created, the promotion code cannot be changed. (e.g., WEC2OFF)
  • Type - Specifies how you want to give the discount.
    • Percentage discount: Applies a percentage-based discount on the total amount.
    • Fixed amount discount: Applies a fixed amount discount on the total amount.
  • Duration - Duration of the coupon. Once created, the duration cannot be changed (e.g., Forever).
  • Usages Limit - Limit on the number of times this coupon can be used in total.
  • Date Limit - Limit on the date range when customers can redeem this coupon.
  • Plans - Apply the coupon to specific plans.
  • Active - Indicates whether the coupon is currently active or not.

Add a coupon


  1. From your admin, go to Settings > Coupons.
  2. From the Coupons page, click Add coupon.
  3. Enter a unique name and code for the coupon, along with additional details.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a coupon

You can delete a single coupon, or delete multiple coupons at the same time using a bulk action. When you delete a coupon, it's temporary removed from Qaravel. Deleted coupons can be restored.

To delete a coupon:

  1. From your admin, go to Coupons.
  2. Click the (...) of the coupon that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Confirm.

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