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Manage account information, change their subscription plan, and update billing information.

  • Title - Prefix or honorific.
  • First Name - Given name of the individual.
  • Surname - Last name or family name.
  • Email Address - Contact email for communication.
  • Phone Number - Contact number for communication.
  • Status - For newly created members, the member status is set as Pending by default. You can set the following statuses:
    • Pending: the member is created and needs to be reviewed by other staff.
    • Active: the member's subscription is complete and ready to use gym features.
    • Deactive: the member's subscription will no longer be renewed.
    • Hold: the member's subscription is paused temporarily.
    • Lost: the member didn't take any action after the initial enquiry.
  • Key Fob - RFID assigned to the member for accessing control devices.
  • Billing Address - Address to be added to the invoice.
    • Address Line 1: First line of the billing address.
    • Address Line 2: Second line of the billing address (optional).
    • Country: Country of the billing address.
    • State: State or region of the billing address.
    • City: City of the billing address.
    • Postcode/Zip: Postal code or ZIP code of the billing address.
  • Security - Pertains to security-related actions such as changing the member's password.
  • Special Note - Additional notes or comments that are hidden from the member's profile.
  • Avatar - Profile picture or visual representation.
  • Notes - With note section, you can view detailed histories and write notes for member.

Add a new member


  1. From your admin, go to Members.
  2. From the Members page, click Add member.
  3. Enter a name for your member, along with additional details.
  4. Click Save.

Block/Unblock a member

Allows you to block or unblock a user from booking new class schedules. Accessible from or App > Book a Class.


  1. From your admin, go to Members.
  2. Click the (...) of the member that you want to block.
  3. Click Block or Unblock.
  4. Click Confirm.

Member PARQ Received/Request

Where you can update the PARQ status. On Request PARQ, members need to update the Pre-Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) from or App.


  1. From your admin, go to Members.
  2. Click the (...) of the member that you want to block.
  3. Click Request PARQ or PARQ Received.
  4. Click Confirm.

Request/Received Member Avatar

Where you can update the Avatar status. On Request Avatar, members need to upload their profile photo from or App.


  1. From your admin, go to Members.
  2. Click the (...) of the member that you want to block.
  3. Click Request Avatar or Avatar Received.
  4. Click Confirm.

Collect Due Payment

If you prefer to use a manual payment method for a member, follow these steps to collect the payment:


  1. Navigate to the Members section in your admin dashboard.
  2. Select the name of the member for whom you need to collect payment.
  3. Locate the Current Plan section and click on Mark as Paid.
  4. Click Confirm.

Delete a member

You can delete a single member, or delete multiple members at the same time using a bulk action. When you delete a member, it's temporary removed from Qaravel. Deleted members can be restored.


  1. From your admin, go to Members.
  2. Click the (...) of the member that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Confirm.

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