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Product details

The details that you provide for a product affect the way that the product is displayed to customers, make it easier for you to organize your products, and help customers find the product. You don't have to provide every detail for each product.

For products that don't have any variants, the Pricing, and Inventory sections are displayed on the product details page. If you add variants, then those sections are no longer displayed on the product details page. To change the details for product variants, refer to Editing variants for an existing product.


Although you can change your product details at any time, the changes can affect your reports. For information on how the changes can affect the way that products display and are grouped in your reports, learn more about Changes to product details.

Title and description

Title - The name for your product that you want to display to your customers.

Description - The description for your product. This area uses the rich text editor so that you can format your text. Describe your products in detail to inform and market to your potential customers. If you're a reseller, then don't use a manufacturer's exact description, because you want your products to be unique to search engines.


The images, 3D models, and video demonstrate to your customers what the product looks like. For information on adding product media, refer to Product media.


Price - The price that you're charging for the product. You can set your store's currency on the General settings page. If the product is taxable, then set up location-based taxes.

Compare-at price - The original price for a product that is on sale. When you enter a compare-at price, the product displays a sale price.

Cost per item - How much it costs you for the product or variant. For example, if you resell a product, then you can enter the price that you paid the manufacturer, excluding taxes, shipping, or other costs. If you create the product yourself, then you can enter a value that is based on your labor and material costs.

For products that have a Cost per item entered—unless you include taxes in your prices—the projected margin is displayed below the Price field on the product details page. The margin is calculated as ([price - cost] / price) × 100. For example, if your price is $50 and your cost is $30, then the margin (calculated as ([50 - 30] / 50) × 100) is 40%.

You can access reports to analyze your product costs and margins. You can also find your cost of goods sold (COGS).

Entering the cost per item is optional. If you choose to enter your costs, then add the amounts to all your existing products. By updating the information at the same time, you can get the most value out of your profit reports.


SKU (stock keeping unit) - The code that identifies the product within your business. For effective tracking and sales reporting, each SKU needs to be unique.

SKUs are optional. You can create your own SKU format. For more information about SKUs, refer to SKU formats.

Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN) - Barcodes are typically used by resellers. The identifier needs to be a new or existing Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). Some sales channels require a GTIN before a product can be published using the channel.

GTINs are unique identifiers used internationally to store and locate product information. Examples of GTINs are UPCs, EANs, and ISBNs, which can vary in length depending on the product type. You can find the GTIN above or below the barcode on the packaging for your product.

Available - The number of units in stock. If you are managing your inventory across multiple locations, then the quantity is displayed for each location.


For a product that has variants, this section displays the options for the product, such as color and size. For more information about variants, refer to Variants.

Search engine listing

Contains a preview of how your product will display in search engine results, such as on Google. The preview consists of the product title, its URL on your online store, and part of the description.

To make changes to how your product is displayed on search engines, in the Search engine listing section, click Edit. For more details, refer to Edit a search engine listing preview.

Product status

Product status determines if a product is ready to be sold.

For newly created products, the product status is set as Active by default. Products that are created by duplicating a product or products that become unarchived are set to Draft by default.

You can set the following statuses:

Active: the product details are complete and the product is ready to be sold.

Draft: the product details need to be completed before it can be sold.


Product category is a label that describes the group or class that a product belongs to. The product category is selected from the Product Taxonomy, a predefined, standardized list. The category helps with the following tasks:

  • Manage your products better within NitroFIT28, for example, as a condition for an automated collection or to help filter your product list.
  • Make it easier to sell products in other channels that require a standardized product type, such as Facebook or Google.
  • Unlock product attributes, referred to as category metafields, that map to each product category.
  • A product can have only one category that applies to all its variants. When possible, a standard product category recommendation displays to help you select one for the first time. You can accept it or edit the recommendation. Product categories are optional. To learn more, refer to Product Category.

Product type - A way to create a custom category for a product. The product type lets you define product categories other than the ones that are available standard product categories. A product can have only one custom product type. To learn more, refer to Product Types.

Vendor - The manufacturer, wholesaler, or other vendor for the product. You can filter your product list by vendor, which can speed up ordering inventory.

Collections - The collections that a product is included in. You can use this field to add the product directly to a manual collection. Automated collections include the product when it matches the collection conditions.

Tags - Tags are searchable keywords that you can associate with your product. Tags can help customers find your product through your online store search, and you can also use them to create automated collections. For more information about tags, refer to Tag formats.

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